First contact with buyer lead

Agent: Hi, it’s [your name] from Sierra Nevada Properties. I just received your inquiry about

[address] on Are you interested in looking at this property?

Buyer: Yes, I’d love to take a look.

Agent: Excellent! How far along are you in the buying process?

Buyer: [Provides some details]

Agent: That sounds great. [Provide some details about your background and

expertise] When are you available to take a look at this property?

Buyer: [States availability]

Agent: OK, [day, time] works for me. One more thing, just so I’m not stepping on

anyone’s toes. You aren’t working with another agent right now, right?

Buyer: [Responds]

Agent: OK, see you then.

First voice message (in the first 5–10 minutes)
Hi [contact name], this is [your name] from Sierra Nevada Properties. Thank you so much for
contacting me. I would love to show you the house/condo/apartment at [address]
as well as other similar properties in the area. Please give me a call back or text me at
[your number]. I’ll also follow up with an email. Thanks and I look forward to speaking
with you!

The contact is not ready to buy in the near future
Agent: Hi, it’s [your name] from [brokerage name]. I just received your inquiry
about [address] on I haven’t had a chance to look it up yet, but I’ll see what
I can do to set up an appointment to look at it. What was it about that place that
interests you?
Buyer: I’m just looking right now.
Agent: Totally understand. What is it you are looking for?

Buyer: [Gives detail on home search], but again, I’m just looking right now.
Agent: No problem. The market is moving pretty quickly, but it’s a great time to buy.
Do you have a sense of your timeline?
Buyer: [Provides timeline]
Agent: Got it. So, the easiest thing for me to do is to send you an email so you can
see properties that fit your interests. It won’t be overwhelming, but will keep you up to
date about what comes on the market. If you see something that you want to go take
a look at, just give me a ring or reply to the email.
Buyer: [Responds]
Agent: Thanks for your time. I’ll stay in touch over the next couple of weeks to make
sure I’m sending you the right properties. If anything changes, give me a call.